The Doctoral Consortium will consist of a series of small group workshops that will allow students to interact and have detailed inputs about your projects from experienced faculty. The workshops will cover both the theoretical aspects of your research as well as the method.

The submitted paper, solely authored by the student, will be the basis for detailed discussions at the Consortium. To get the most out of the discussion, it should include:

Motivation for the proposed research.
Background and related work (including key references).
Description of proposed research, including main research questions.
Research methodology and proposed experiments (where appropriate).
Specific research issues for discussion at the Doctoral Consortium.
The paper should be no more than 5 pages in length including all figures and references. The first page must contain the title of the paper, full author name, affiliation and contact details, an abstract of up to 200 words, and up to 3 keywords describing the topic areas.
Doctoral Consortium submissions must be in PDF format and submitted via Easychair IAMPC2023 conference site (select Doctoral Consortium track). Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee.

Head of the Doctoral Consortium

Rosa Ruiz

Profesora de la Escuela de Negocios, Doctora en Economía y Empresa en Universidad Pontifica de Comillas
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